How to build your makeup kit on a budget

How to build your makeup kit on a budget

As a makeup instructor, one of the challenges I’ve seen so many makeup students face when starting out is building their kit on a budget, especially when they haven’t started being hired and getting paid work yet. Here are some tips to help you build your professional makeup kit on a budget and also why cheap is not necessarily always cheerful.

Make the most of student and pro makeup discounts

Most beauty and makeup schools have preferred partners that offer exclusive student discounts. Professional makeup stores also offer discounts and you might need to contact them directly and fill out certain forms to be eligible. QC Makeup Academy is a preferred partner with many makeup stores globally, and Williamspro is one of the Accademy’s preferred partners, offering a 20% store-wide discount to all QC Makeup students.
We also offer a 15% trade discount storewide for working makeup artists within the industry. Contact us to find out how to apply.

Buy wholesale

Items that you will tend to go through quickly like lashes should be bought in bulk. There’s no point buying these individually from department stores or drug stores. Get online and find suppliers where you can purchase in bulk. Ebay can also be a great place to buy bulk disposable mascara wants, latex-free sponges and palettes.

Shop around

With online stores taking over the beauty industry, it pays to shop around. Websites like strawberrynet offer great value deals on professional products and there is of course, the likes of Ebay and Amazon. But I would certainly warn to be very wary to ensure your purchases on EBay and Amazon are 100% authentic and genuine. It is dangerous to apply fake designer goods on clients’ faces, as they are not regulated and could very well be toxic or past their use-by date.

Become a blogger 

It doesn’t cost anything but your time, but brands love to collaborate with influencial bloggers to raise brand awareness. SO if you have a good blog that is generating traffic, chances are you’re already getting beauty products for free. Of course not all the products your receive might be your favourite items, but it is a more long-term additional option if you want to save money whilst also learning about and promoting new products and brands

Authored by: Azzi Williams

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